Arya Sasol Polymer Company

Arya Sasol Attains Historic Record in Semiannual Production

Arya Sasol Attains Historic Record in Semiannual Production

The Arya Sasol Polymer Company (ASPC) has attained a new record in its semiannual production.

According to the Arya Sasol Public Relations Department, the ASPC has produced 987,171 tonnes of various products in the first six months of the current Persian year (March 2022 until October 2022), setting a record compared to the same period in previous years.

The record comes after a 26,000-tonne jump in production compared to the first six months of the past year. Out of the total increase, 22,000 tonnes were related to Olefin production and 4000 tonnes were manufactured in polymer facilities.

It is worth noting that the increase in production has taken place despite the limits in Iran’s domestic ethylene consumer market. The ASPC has been able to fairly circumvent these limits by turning to ethylene exportation.

Earlier, the ASPC had been able to achieve a second long-term credit AA rating for its performance during the first six months of the current year and was also selected as Iran’s most credible company for the third consecutive year. Likewise, the ASPC has also provided more than $205 million to Iran’s integrated forex trading system known as NIMA, effectively positioning Arya Sasol as the country’s most credible petrochemical exporter.
